Resumen de Investigaciones de AFS

AFS tiene una larga trayectoria de importantes contribuciones en el campo del aprendizaje intercultural, y ha trabajando en conjunto con organizaciones educativas líderes y notables institutos de investigación. Al explorar una variedad de temas -desde la forma en que la tecnología afecta el proceso de adaptación cultural hasta la relación entre personalidad y cultura- las iniciativas de investigación de AFS han ayudado a identificar una variedad de factores importantes que son parte del proceso de aprendizaje intercultural. El siguiente documento provee una descripción de nuestras iniciativas de investigación.

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Estudio de Impacto de Largo Plazo de AFS

El estudio comparaba a ex-participantes de programas de AFS con sus pares, 20 y 25 años después de su participación en el programa de intercambio. El estudió encontró que los ex participantes de AFS mostraban ventajas siginificativas en el aprendizaje de idiomas y en el desarrollo de competencias interculturales y competencias globales; y que éstan se han continuado desarrollando y potenciando inclusive muchos años después de la experiencia de intercambio.

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La evaluación del Impacto de una Experiencia de Intercambio de AFS

El Impacto de una Experiencia de Intercambio de AFS fue una investigación independiente que se llevó a cabo en el 2005 por el Dr. Mitchell R. Hammer en colaboración con AFS. Miles de estudiantes alrededor del mundo fueron evaluados antes y después de sus experiencias de intercambio en el extranjero.  Contrastado con un grupo de control de sus pares, los estudiantes de AFS  tuvieron mejoras significativas en aprendizaje de idiomas, conocimiento de su cultura y autoconocimiento personal y la habilidad de establecer amistades interculturales.

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A photo posted by Alexa Stitt (@lexi_marie360) on Jul 13, 2014 at 4:14pm PDT

Host Family & Community

Life in Egypt usually revolves around extended family, religious events and activities. You can be hosted throughout Egypt, most likely in urban and suburban areas of Alexandria, Cairo, El Fayoum, El Menya, Giza, Ismailia, Port Said and Tanta. If you’re in an urban area, expect to live in an apartment, while people in more rural areas usually live with extended family in a big house. Jokes are a common way to socialize, so join the fun. 


You will probably attend a regular Egyptian high school, although some students attend an international U.S. schools. The school year runs from September until May, with a two-week break in January. School week starts on Sunday and ends on Thursday. Most students wear uniforms. Some classes may be taught in English, others in Arabic, and you may choose some subjects, depending on the school.

A photo posted by Tuur Defever (@tuurdefever) on Sep 29, 2016 at 3:34am PDT


The official language of Egypt is Arabic, with many regional dialects spoken all over the country. English is also commonly used and is taught in schools starting with first grade. Having a good knowledge of English will help you adjust and enjoy your program. AFS will also help you find a course in Arabic and your host school might have classes of Arabic as a second language.


The Egyptian diet is typically rich in beans, bread, rice, vegetables and fruits. Lunch is the most significant meal of the day and is often followed by an afternoon rest. Falafel(fried bean balls), and koshary (a dish of rice and lentils) can be purchased from street vendors all over Egypt.

Let AFS guide your intercultural adventure

Go abroad with AFS to discover who you really are, make new lifetime friendships and immerse yourself in a fascinating intercultural experience.

Our learning program will prepare you for an amazing AFS intercultural experience. The program begins at your home country with a pre-departure orientation and continues with orientations and other supported learning activities and facilitated conversations will help you maximize your experience, cope the challenges of navigating a new culture and community and gain knowledge, skills, and a global understanding, throughout your time abroad, and as you return to you home country. AFS volunteers will be there to support and guide you and your host family through your learning journey abroad.


The Global Competence Certificate (GCC) program will support your intercultural learning experience. This state-of-the-art program prepares you to successfully navigate new cultural environments—during your AFSNext experience and long after you finish the program. Online intercultural learning modules combined with in-person sessions help you develop practical and global skills, knowledge and attitudes that employers need and mission-driven organizations believe will help achieve their social impact goals. You will receive your certification upon completion of the training program.   
